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FBN Global Summit

FBN 33rd Global Summit | Tokyo, Japan | OCT 30 - NOV 02 2024

What does owning the unknown mean? 

In today's landscape, responsible family owners need to navigate unknown challenges and drive meaningful impact. In this edition of the Global Summit we will explore:

  • ​Why ownership matters
  • What does LT value creation means, beyond financial value
  • What are the USPs of FB ownership
  • How to combine different generations in defining the ownership strategy
  • How to entice new generations to embrace ownership
  • What are the development needs of owners
  • How to develop education for owners
  • To whom do owners owe their responsibility
  • How does the sustainability narrative fits & what does it mean in the context of the largest transfer of wealth / ownership
  • How do culture and values impact longevity in FB
  • Integrating traditions, resilience & innovation to increase longevity
